Trident maple—in the Sapindaceae (soapberry) family—is a small- to medium-sized, deciduous tree from Asia with a rounded, branching form. The leaves have three forward-facing lobes resembling a trident. This tree tends to grow as a multi-stemmed, low-branching specimen, but it can be pruned to a single stem. The exfoliating bark reveals an orange-brown inner bark, which adds interest. The fall color can be variable, sometimes yellows but usually reds and oranges.
Its preference is for full sun and average well-drained acidic soils; however, it is tolerant of a range of soil moistures and textures. It is also tolerant of wind, salt, drought, air pollution, and soil compaction. Trident maple has a slow to medium growth rate and is easy to transplant.
It is frequently used in bonsai. Other uses can be as a street tree or a shade tree for smaller spaces.
Shipped fully rooted in a 6" pot. Heights vary but most are 12-16". These have been trimmed and begun their training to be a bonsai. They can be planted in the ground and grown or continued in their progression into a bonsai tree.